OLD e-Exam Trial - Post-Exam Survey


Welcome to this voluntary survey which has been approved by the ethics committees of the participating institutions.


This survey is for those who have just participated in an e-Exam or trial. It should take about 7 minutes.


If you hand-wrote or typed, please respond to this survey. This is important as it provides a basis for the researchers carry out analysis including comparing typists to hand-writers.


Your responses are confidential. No individual will be identified in the dissemination of the data.

Your responses are important and will inform future e-Exam design, management and the use of computers for examinations.


Please kindly complete all questions.


With thanks in advance from the research team :-)

: *

Typing and writing for general study purposes.

Please indicate your level of agreement with these statements.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I type faster than I handwrite
I type accurately
When I make errors, I am able to quickly correct them when typing
I often rely on spell check to detect errors
I work more efficiently when I type on a familiar keyboard
My hand-writing is normally neat and legible [if very messy, please select strongly disagree]
I go back to re-read and revise my writing quite a lot
I prepare most of my assignments/reports using a computer
: *Previous experience
  Yes No
Before this exam, I had used a computer to type responses to a short answer or essay style exam.
: *

This exam.

With regard to the exam you just undertook...

Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Overall my experience of this exam was positive
I ran out of time
I felt more stressed in this exam than I normally do in other exams
I went back and read over my responses before submitting
: *

This exam.

Typing sounds...


  Yes No
I could hear the sound of typing
: *

This exam – mode choice and reason.

  Yes No
I typed this exam
: *

What was the main reason for your choice to type or handwrite this exam?

: *


Please consider how you respond to supervised exam conditions:

These questions are about comparing the dynamics of writing with a pen versus typing on a keyboard (for those that have never typed an exam, your opinions are still valuable).

For each of the following statements please indicate the most applicable item.

  Using my computer Same equally Using pen & paper
I write more words in an exam when...
I write faster in an exam when...
I think more carefully before I start writing in an exam when...
I pause to think most in an exam when...
I write in a style that feels more normal in an exam when…
I try not to make changes unless they are really important in an exam when…
I change, move or correct words or phrases most in an exam when…
I think the overall structure/argument of my responses is better in an exam when…
  Using my computer Same equally Using pen & paper
I make more effective use of the time available in an exam when…
I go back and read over my responses most in an exam when…
I feel more stressed in an exam when…
I am more likely to run out of time in an exam when…
Overall I feel I perform better in an exam in an exam when…
: *

Everyone: Future exams.

Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
I would like to use a computer for exams in the future
: *

Everyone: Future exams (equipment preference).

If faced with the requirement to undertake a computerised exam please consider the following. Assume electrical power is provided to both.
  My own familiar laptop Same equally University supplied laptop
If I had to use a computer for an exam I would prefer to use:
: Please provide a reason for your preference of equipment:
: What are your main concerns regarding e-Exams at this time (if any)?
: *In regard to the e-Exam trials - in which course are participating?
Choose one of the following answers

: *About you...
  Female Male Not disclosed or Other
My gender

For confidential data analysis please kindly provide your student ID.

This helps the researchers carry out analysis across the stages of your involvement. Your data is treated with the strictest of confidence and you will not be identified individually in any published results; only aggregate/grouped results will be published.

Please be assured that providing your student ID will in no way impact the marks you earn in this course.

Full student ID number (normally numbers only):


If you would be willing to participate in an interview or focus group,

please provide your email address: