e-Exams Session Survey

This survey is voluntary. By filling in and returning this survey you agree that we may use your responses anonymously (de-identified) in further research and in publications. This survey has been approved by the University of Queensland Human Research Ethics Committee, approval number 2013001014. If you have yet to do so please read the participant information sheet (PDF).

In the questions below, please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements.
  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree No answer
Prior to this session, I had a detailed knowledge of e-exams and related issues.
Prior to this session, I frequently used or engaged with e-exams.
This session has improved my understanding of the issues surrounding e-exams.
I plan to use information from this session in my own work / institution.
I think my institution should allocate more resources to e-exams.
I would like to learn more about e-exams.

What are your concerns regarding e-exams at this time?
About this session... The best aspects of this session were:
About this session...This session could be improved by:
Which of the following best describes your role at your institution.
Check any that apply
If you would like to keep in touch or be involved further regarding the work on e-exams, please add your email:

Please tell us how you would like to be involved:
  YES! No answer
just receive news
provide feedback to the project regarding the issues (concerns, experiences, needs) at my institution in regard to e-exams
be a member of the e-exams OLT project reference group
register interest in running e-exam trials at my institution (will be after 1 year)
Any other comments